Haii.. maaf yah baru back lagi, soalnya akhir akhir ini benar benar sibuk lah, sibuk latihan, sibuk jadi panitia PORSENI, dan sibuk les, intinya gak ada waktu untuk posting di blog, sekarang semua nya selesai dan semuanya lancar jadi sekarang enak deh ngeposting nya, akhir akhir ini juga aku sering bgt dapat masalah, tapi apa artinya hidup kalau gak ada masalah dan setiap masalah aku yakin pasti kita bisa menyelesaikannya karna tuhan tidak pernah memberikan kesusahan pada umatnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah asal kita selalu berdoa dan merenung kepada tuhan :) oh iya nanti aku juga akan sering lagi kayak dulu untuk posting di blog jadi kalian jangan kangen berat yah hihi.. aku share foto foto terbaru aku yah agar dpt menghilangkan rasa kangen kalian hihi
Senin, 24 Desember 2012
25 DESEMBER 2012
Selamat pagi teman:)
Selamat hari raya natal bagi yang merayakannya :)
Semoga tuhan memberkati kalian yah:)
Dian Yustiarini
Selamat hari raya natal bagi yang merayakannya :)
Semoga tuhan memberkati kalian yah:)
Dian Yustiarini
Selasa, 11 Desember 2012
11 Des 2012
Hari ini super duper capek dan sangat sangat menguras tenaga. kalian mau tau kenapa?? karena hari ini adalah hari kedua ujian semester yaitu bahasa inggris dan IPS, nguras otak banget lah dan banyak juga yg nyontek yah termasuk saya sendiri. Bukannya selesai ulangan terus pulang kerumah lalu tidur, eh ini harus latihan flashmob angkatan dari jam 1 - jam 3 ditambah lagi harusdiulang-ulang terus, terus juga cuacanya abal juga sih kadang panas kadang mendung jadinya di PHP deh haha, setelah selesai latihan flashmob angkatan, eh lanjut lagi latihan flashmob OSIS, gak kebayangkan capeknya itu kayak gimana, tapi ini semua memang harus pengorbanan waktu lah lagian juga besok hari rabu aku libur jadi banyak waktu istirahat pikirku speerti itu, eh tiba tiba dapat sms sama bm katanya besok harus latihan flashmob osis jam 1 siang di sekolah. Gila, waktu istirahat aku diambil lagi kan u,u jadinya mesti harus ikutin dimana langkah kaki aja deh
Senin, 10 Desember 2012
[VID] 9 DES 2012
Happy Birthday Minho!~
I hope your wonderful day will be as special as you are
You have inspired me to do my best in everything and to keep going
even when times are hard.
Thank you so much...[ENG] Message from Birthday Boy, Minho 121209
Birthday song for Onew and Minho @ #SWC2SG
Hot Minho Solo @ #SWC2SG
Celebrating Onew Minho’s birthday SHINee Style @ #SWC2SG
Dian Yustiarini
9 des 2012 Happy Birthday Choi Minho !
Happy Birthday to SHINee's Flaming Charisma,Choi Minho! ♥
I hope that you have a wonderful day, and that all of your birthday wishes come true!
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me Minho. You have helped me to realize that one should never give up, even if people doubt you or tell you that you can't do something. It's true that you do lack in some things, and you do have quite abit to work on, but you know what? Atleast you try your best with everything that you do. You are so full of passion and determination, and it's really admirable.
Something I really love about Minho is that even though he lacks in some things, when he is asked to do something, he does it! and he does it very well. Whether it be him being asked to lead in a drama or to perform a rap solo, he will do it. Minho is always trying his hardest with everything that he does, and I truly appreciate that. He has things to work on, and he acknowledges that! He always stays humble about it.
Never stop being you Minho. You are absolutely amazing, and such an inspiration to me. Thank you for just being you Minho. And thank you for bringing such joy into my life.
I hope that you have a wonderful birthday Minho, and that you know you have fans like me from all around this world showing you tons of love and support.
I hope that you have a wonderful day, and that all of your birthday wishes come true!
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me Minho. You have helped me to realize that one should never give up, even if people doubt you or tell you that you can't do something. It's true that you do lack in some things, and you do have quite abit to work on, but you know what? Atleast you try your best with everything that you do. You are so full of passion and determination, and it's really admirable.
Something I really love about Minho is that even though he lacks in some things, when he is asked to do something, he does it! and he does it very well. Whether it be him being asked to lead in a drama or to perform a rap solo, he will do it. Minho is always trying his hardest with everything that he does, and I truly appreciate that. He has things to work on, and he acknowledges that! He always stays humble about it.
Never stop being you Minho. You are absolutely amazing, and such an inspiration to me. Thank you for just being you Minho. And thank you for bringing such joy into my life.
I hope that you have a wonderful birthday Minho, and that you know you have fans like me from all around this world showing you tons of love and support.
Once again, Happy Birthday, Choi Minho. thanks to come to my life, thanks to always
shining in my eyes. thanks to everything that i’ve learn it from you. we
love you. shawols love you.
Dian Yustiarini..
Selasa, 04 Desember 2012
Happy Birthday Kwon Yuri
On December 5th 23 years ago, a baby girl was born.
Her name is Kwon Yuri, and 23 years
later, she is not just a tanned-skin baby but she is also a sparkling
black pearl. She grew up to be a young girl with big dreams; she was
accepted into SM Entertainment through a contest in 2001 and trained for
almost 6 years to finally debut in a now globally successful girl
group, Girls’ Generation.
If there is one word I could pick to describe her it would be, sexyabs
determination. Even though she has heavily-packed schedules as a hallyu
star, she managed to find time to enroll into university. It wasn’t
just enrolling though – she actually went to classes and sat for her
exams just like others without any special treatment whenever she can
between schedules. She brought her notes with her to revise at any spare
time through her busy schedule. The word ‘excuse’ does not exist in
Yuri’s dictionary.
“Always hold on to your dream and do your best. Find out what you like to do and want to do and make an effort.” – Yuri
Sexy is a four letter word: Y-U-R-I. I just couldn’t write an article without mentioning this important quality
about her. Her solo performance ‘If’ during the second tour was a solid
evidence of it. The way she danced to the song, filled with confidence
and oozing with charisma, she created a new definition of sexy, which is
Her drool-worthy body served as
motivation for everyone (like pasting it on the wall in front of their
treadmills) but it is not just a perfectly-curved body.
It is also the symbol of hard work, a lot of it.
“Sooyoung’s body looks natural, while Yuri’s body looks like she put a lot of work and effort into making it.” – Sean Lee, trainer
She diets, she does yoga, she goes to
gym late at night or early in the morning and she does 600 sit-ups to
earn her chiseled abs and toned legs. It takes an amazing level of
discipline for one to do such thing. Discipline level: Yuri.
Whenever she strolls through airport,
regardless whether it is in summer, winter or rainy days, all she has to
do is to put on her shades and all the fans will die a little inside.
She emits her own aura and vibe, whether it is with her handsome boyish
look in leather jacket and plaid shirts, or her girl-next-door look in
simple white tee, cardigan, and skirt, she always manages to look cool
But don’t let what you see fool you
because beneath it all is a dorky young lady. She was not ashamed to
embarrass herself if it makes other people laugh like when she did her
infamous lion pose in ‘Invincible Youth’. She knew that it will make her
look less pretty but she did it anyway.
If we could capture happiness and put it in a shape or form, it would be
Kwon Yuri. She is indeed a happy pill. During concerts, you can see her
bouncing happily around the stage as if she never runs out of energy.
She does everything she could to make her fans happy, even if it means
that she has to learn multiple languages to greet them. She will try to
speak the language even if it means she has to bring colorful small
notes on stage and pronounce them wrongly despite her best tries. So
it’s no wonder that she is the most multilingual out of the group. (LOL)
Yuri referring to her notes on stage during the SMTown concert in Bangkok a few weeks ago.
One of the instances when she showed off her flawless language skills was through her drama, ‘Fashion King’.
“I want to become a genuine and pure
person who has no false images built up around her. I think that if I
can become that kind of a person, I will naturally become a genuine and
pure actress as well.” – Yuri
‘Fashion King’ is her first drama where
she played one of the main characters – the cold and arrogant Choi Anna.
Yuri successfully showcased her professionalism through the character.
Even though it was a bit stiff initially, she managed to portray more
emotions as the drama progressed and even wowed the audience with her
real kiss scene with actor Lee Jae Hoon. The producers and the public
had nothing but praises for her,
“Yuri did well for her first time. She exceeded our expectations, there’s a lot of fire in her.”
“There’s nothing more to do than to work hard to fill what I lack.” – Yuri
Kwon Yuri is a singer, a talented
dancer, a learning actress and a hardworking student. Seeing her makes
us feel like we can achieve anything as long as we put our heart and
soul into it.
“I feel like my strength is always thinking positively regardless of
the situations I am in and I can always prepare my body and mind to
give out positive energy.” – Yuri
Yuri's message to 소원 from All About Girls' Generation (Girls' Generation Talk)Dear. FanMy love, Sone
My love, Sone. You're the star of the day. You're the reason Girls' Generation moves forward. Good to meet you.
So yes, my dear Sone, and all the Girls' Generation fans around the world. As I do what I love to do the most, I never know how much happiness it is to be loved. Thank you so much, and thanks for letting my feel this happiness as Girls' Generation. Every time I get on stage, I feel what it is like to do what I love and be loved in return. Thank you again and I will put in all my efforts to give back to that love, so that you can feel proud as our fan, I'll be a great artist. Thanks in advance for your continued love and we have more in store. I love you~ Bye Bye Bye~
Dian Yustiarini.
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Haiiiii,, sdh lama aku gak posting disini lagi, pada kangen yah???? ayo ngaku !!!! tau gak beberapa hari ini sepertinya hidup aku naik turun gitu kadang senang kadang sedih gitu terus selalu merasa kesepian juga padahal temen aku itu sama sahabat aku banyaaaak banget tapi pikiran aku itu yang selalu merasa sendiri . Kalian bisa beritahu aku gak gimana supaya gak merasa kesepian terus?
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